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13-03-2016  (1245 lectures) Categoria: Articles

Apple ][ boards

Apple II Integer ROM card, used to upgrade the original Apple II to be on a level with the later Apple II+.  The original II had a limited, 4K Integer BASIC in ROM, this card upgrades it to have 12K and floating-point capability, via AppleBASIC.  An interesting footnote of computer history is that the original Integer BASIC these cards replaced was written by Steve Wozniak, whereas the AppleBASIC on the card was written by none other than Micosoft.  It also adds an auto-start capability, letting the machine boot into BASIC or run a disk right away at boot time.  This particular card seems to be an early iteration of the ROM card; later versions say "Apple II ROM Card" on them, this one says instead "Apple Computer ROM Card".  It is presented in a plastic slipcase.
The individual chips I have tried to photograph but I have no macro lens available here so I will provide you with the nomenclature of every chip on the board.
Starting from the inside with socket D0, square brackets are my notations, (C) is the copyright symbol.
D0: 341-0016  8023  "S" [a logo], (C) Apple D0
D8: Unpopulated
E0: AMI, 8021JQ 341-001 "Korea"
E8: AMI, 802INS 341-002 "Korea"
F0: AMI, 8015CF 341-0003-D0  C  1978 IMBF0 "Korea"
F8 S [different logo] 8004E  C48037  3410004-00 (C)Apple78 F8
74LS244: 74LS244N 7950 SA [another logo]
74LS11: F 74LS11PC 8022 "Indonesia"
7474: 019P  DM7474N
74LS09: SN74LS09N  M [Specifically the Motorola "M" logo] 7916
74LS138:  F  74LS138PC  8018 "Indonesia"

Apple II Integer BASIC Firmware ROM Card.  Card contains the complete original Apple II Integer BASIC ROM set same as that came with the original Apple II, including the old monitor ROM and Programmer's Aid #1.
Many original Apple II systems had the ROMs upgraded to Applesoft BASIC which lowers value, but you can revert an original II back to Integer BASIC with the ROM chips from this card to convert back to original factory configuration to make more original and add value.

This card was tested on an Apple II+ and works.  Card is in nice collectible condition, no corrosion on pins, no damage.  Card is copyright 1978, and ROM chips are all date coded 1979, Programmer's Aid #1 date coded early 1980. 

Card plugs into slot 0 of an Apple II Plus computer, thereby providing access to both Applesoft BASIC with Autostart ROM (on the motherboard), and Integer BASIC on this card.  Flip the red switch on the card up for Integer BASIC on the card, or flip the switch down for Applesoft BASIC on the motherboard. 

Integer BASIC on ROM chips:  341-0001 (Integer BASIC E0), 341-0002 (Integer BASIC E8), 341-0003 (Integer BASIC F0),
341-0004 (Integer BASIC F8 Old Monitor ROM), and 341-0016 (Programmer's Aid #1).  There is no missing chip, there is supposed to be an open ROM slot, just like on all original Apple II computers, which had an open ROM slot for later expansion.  The included Programmer's Aid #1 is an example of one add-on ROM, it is a collection of commonly used Integer BASIC subroutines for programmers so you didn't have to type in the same code for every program.
Photos of exact item buyer will receive.

Apple IIe MegaRam Plus (up to 1Mbyte)

Synetix SSD - 512K- 220X RAM Card

Titan Technologies' Accelerator IIe for the Apple II II+ and IIe Works Great!  This card was tested in an Apple IIe (which will also be listed soon) and was working great! I believe it will work in any Apple II with slots, and presumably the Laser as well.   I did a quick test in basic by doing a for-next loop of 1 to 10000.  Without the accelerator, it takes about 12 secs.  With the accelerator, it is about 4 secs so it seems to be working fine.  I also played a comically short game of JumpMan on advanced!  I do not have a manual for the card, but it can be found online here: